Tappas anyone - Mexican range by Crofton by Aldi...

As a food blogger and lover of entertaining collecting amazing dishes, serving plates etc. is something that has become a bit of an obsession. The dream is Ina Gartens Kitchen and if you know who that is you know what a mean. She is prepared for every theme and every occasion and has a kitchen you would never want to leave. It is a foodie and wanabe food photographers dream.

Now if you not Ina or a professional foodie on tele this obsession can be expensive but if done the way I do it, by hitting the supermarkets and charity shops, you can feed your habit without breaking the bank.

Places like ASDA, Sainsbury's and Aldi can sell some really amazing things without a huge price tag, especially when they are coming to the end as that is when they go on sale. And charity shops, especially where I live can be goldmines. My favourite has to be Aldi though. They have 'themed months' which is  fun and great for blogging! But most importantly it is all really well priced and great quality.

My latest purchase was a few bits from their Mexican range.  They had all sorts from serving dishes, to jugs and even hotplates and all so brightly coloured. They were sold along side fajita kits and Mexican spices, basically giving you everything you could need to have a fabulous Mexican themed dinner party.

There was so much to choose from but I went for the items I would use most. I think all of this only came to £20! Which is amazing!! And to be honest although Aldi has a once its gone its gone policy you can still pick a few of the bits up and for half the price. You just have to dig :)

Again I will mention that the quality is great  and if you look after it, it  will see you through many the fiesta :) or other occasion.

And on a side note I will say... I will be first to admit I was a supermarket snob but ever since my first trip to Aldi I have never looked back. And that applies to groceries too.

Have you ever visited Aldi and picked up something fabulous for the kitchen or home?

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