DIY - Play - Dough...

Today we didn't have the best weather again, winter is coming, so we made Play - Dough! :) Gosh I loved Play - Dough as a kid but OMG how expensive is it these days and all the fancy bits and bobs that come with it?? Just give me a few cutters, a rolling pin and some imagination and I'm sorted.

Making your own Play - Dough is so easy to do, especially this recipe as its non cook, which also means the kids can get involved! :)

Here is how you make it


1 cup Flour
1/2 cup salt
1/2 cup water
food colouring


1. Put flour, salt and water into a bowl and mix until combined.
2. Divide into 3, (or how ever many colours you want) add a few drops of food colouring to each ball and kneed until you have the colour you want.

My little one is a bit small to understand and know what exactly to do with Play - Dough but he enjoyed trying to roll it out and pushing his fingers into it. At this age its all about textures and new experiences so dont be afraid to try it out. Little ones may try and put it in their mouths, like everything else, but don't worry its harmless and due to it being so salty they will probably only do it once! :)

I don't have many cutters in 'shapes' but I do have the alphabet and 1 - 10 which I think is great as when they get older you can turn playtime into a bit of learning too by teaching them how to spel their name or just the ABC and 123.

This Play - Dough is also great because you can bake it, so let them press their hand into it and then back it very low for a few hours and keep it as a keepsake.

To store just place in a plastic tupperware or ziplock bag and keep in the fridge. It lasts for ages but if it starts getting a bit dry or even too sticky just throw it away and start again.

Play - Dough is a great activity for indoors and perfect for a rainy or cold day. Why not give it a try this winter.

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